Radio8Ball at The International Association for the Study of Dreams with Bart Davenport
Last June I delivered a keynote address at the 40th annual conference of The International Association for the Study of Dreams in Ashland, Oregon with musical guest Bart Davenport. I will be releasing 8 podcast episodes featuring the audio from the show and interviews...
Recognize, De-escalate & De-code – Out Today
“Recognize, De-escalate & De-code” is out today. You can stream the songs anywhere music streams. If you’re old school and want to own the album it’s available at my website for $25. The album includes a download card. The title of the album is my prescription for...
Olympia’s Secret (Single & Video) – Out Now!!!
Don’t ask me what Olympia’s secret is or I might tell you. Maybe Olympia is a town in Washington. Maybe it’s some mythical land of the gods. And maybe it’s the name of a woman or man the town (or the gods) abandoned. I could be Olympia’s secret. I’m a seeker of...
Get Outta My Head (Single) – Out Now!!!
In a weird twist of sync, the date chosen for the release of “Get Outta My Head” is the 24th anniversary of the passing of my old high school friend and first songwriting partner, Josh Clayton-Felt. I only recognized this alignment a couple of weeks ago. Josh and I...